There are several ways you can attract the many thousands of visitors to Massage 123 to yourself or your services.

The classic form of advertising, very eye-catching and effective. The banner is displayed on the main page as well as on the detail page of a directory entry and some info pages.
1 Month
CHF 100.00 3 Months
CHF 250.00
Small ad

A small ad for a short and simple message is extremely effective and will be displayed without photos directly in your region. Describe a promotion, a speciality or your service in 175 characters.
7 Days
CHF 10.00 30 Days
CHF 30.00
Full ad

You would like to introduce yourself and your services in detail? Then the Full Ad is the perfect choice. The text length is not limited and you can attach up to 3 additional photos in addition to a large main picture.
7 Days
CHF 20.00 30 Days
CHF 60.00
Hot Ad

For the perfect visibility of an advertisement! This additional option can be booked spontaneously with a running ad. It will then appear highlighted and at the top of the main page for the selected number of hours.
6 Hours
CHF 5.00
Highlight Entry

A convenient way to get more attention. Your directory entry will be highlighted in yellow.
1 Month
CHF 20.00 3 Months
CHF 50.00
Pro Pack

With the Pro Pack you give your directory entry even more power. You can upload your own images and make your own description text. Also no competition banners are shown on that page.
3 Months
CHF 60.00 6 Months
CHF 100.00
Top Banner

For ultimate visibility, the large banner at the top of the main page (exclusive, no rotation with other banners) and regional pages (non exclusive). In order to guarantee this partial exclusivity, bookings can only be made by contacting us.
Top Banner Main Page
14 Days
CHF 250.00 1 Month
CHF 400.00
Top Banner Regional Pages
1 Month
CHF 100.00 3 Months
CHF 250.00