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Welcome to 2014

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The earth is still turning and so the years on our calendar are increasing. A bit of retrospection as well as a look into the future is part of every turn of the year. I hope that everyone was able to enjoy a few beautiful and sensual moments in 2013 and switch off, even if it was only for an hour. Going to a quiet oasis for a short time is a luxury one should allow oneself every now and then.

Personally, I still miss offers that provide more extensive and yet affordable programs at a high level. Like in a spa, equally professional but with that certain something. The interested reader knows what I mean. Well, maybe this year...

In 2013 I was again confronted with negative experiences, on the one hand from customers who were not satisfied with an offer and on the other hand from masseuses who complained about bad manners of customers. People, life is not a one-way street. Making appointments and not showing up is not correct - just like suddenly being busy on confirmed appointments. It is not okay for a masseuse to promise things on the website or on the phone that are then not delivered or do not apply. And it is just as not okay if you as a customer before a visit does not do something right, keyword hygiene. There one has almost a guarantee only maximally mediocre to be served and thus probably disappointed.

So, now finally something in own thing: After Massage123 has already become 5 years old last year, this year is definitely a redesign on the todo list. Also, there will be a new possibility for providers to manage an entry themselves to a certain extent. We are also working on the advertising options, including the possibility to pay for advertisements and promotions with Paysafecard - a kind of pin code that can be bought at countless points of sale (kiosks, supermarkets, etc).

As always, suggestions are welcome. The platform exists for you and should bring you added value.

With this in mind, thank you for stopping by Massage123 from time to time and best wishes for 2014!

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