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No guilty conscience

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The visit of a prostitute is for many people an absolute no-go. Either the morals are running riot, health concerns or the feeling of "cheating" if you are in a relationship. In your head you hear accusations like "you don't need this", "you are a pig" or "if your family finds out"... Society is full of accusations and moralists who want to tell you how to live your (sex) life. People who make you feel guilty are everywhere. That's why many people give up the fulfilling satisfaction of their erotic lust. This in turn builds up dissatisfaction and frustration. This is not meant to happen.

Erotic massages

It does not always have to be sexual intercourse. But it also does not have to be masturbation alone at home. There is not only black and white, there is also a nice grey area for those who find it difficult to be pampered externally. With the majority of providers who specialize in Tantra and sensual massages, the visitor is in the passive role. This means that one "receives", can simply lie down and enjoy. You don't need to do anything, just let yourself be pampered.

No obligation to orgasm

And the best part is: You can also just enjoy the excitement, the ambience, the music and the scents. Nobody expects that you have to have an orgasm with you. Especially with Tantra massages, this is absolutely optional, because there the path is clear and the ritual is the goal.

The first visit

At some point you reach the point where curiosity is simply too great and you are ready to experience a sensual experience with a stranger. Here I recommend to choose a Tantra provider for the first visit. These usually have different trainings and also know how to deal with newcomers. The aim is to find an offer that is as authentic as possible and not too sexualised. If you only find pictures of a young and sexily dressed team on the homepage, you should better plan your visit there for a later date. If you are a bit hesitant, maybe even shy, it is better to start where the philosophy of Tantra is really lived.

Thai massages

Alternatively, classic Thai massages with oil are also suitable for the first step. These usually focus on physical relaxation and the release of cramps. The happy end, which is sometimes offered as an option, can be taken along or left alone, depending on your mood, mood and desire.

Closing words

The aim of this article is to provide a somewhat looser view of the use of erotic offers. A sensual massage should and may be enjoyed from time to time, especially if it is only passively accepted. This strengthens the energy flow and does good for mind, soul and body. A guilty conscience is out of place here.

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