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By and for women, by and for men

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For many years one had the feeling that especially publicly advertised Tantra offers are only meant for men. The same for sensual massages, where eroticism is even more in the center of attention. But what I observe more and more in the last months is that this gender mainstream is changing and opening up. I increasingly encounter offers from women for women or from men for men. Even from men for women. Especially women seem to be the new target audience of many providers. And rightly so. Why shouldn't a woman also be pampered sensually, just switch off without having a bad feeling about it. A bit of selfishness is allowed, but letting oneself be pampered is not wrong. The increasing hectic pace of everyday life literally screams for a place of peace and relaxation.

Various providers tell me that they are noticing an increase in female customers. Business women as well as housewives, the urge for some relaxation for mind, soul and body is felt by a broad spectrum of female customers.

This has prompted me to note in an entry from whom and for whom an offer is intended. F stands for women, M for men. This colored info is now well visible in the list as well as in the detailed view of an offer. I hope this makes it even easier to find a suitable offer and maybe even try something new.

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